The Mormons : the most recent religion which from the United States of America, was created by Joseph Smith in the 1820s. The authentic name is « The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ». Joseph Smith was born the 23th of December of 1805 in USA by protestants parents. His minority liked religions and spirituals questions.

Joseph Smith

 According to the history of the mormons, Joseph Smiths was in a wood one day to pray, and he said that God the father and his son Jesus Christ made an appearence and told him that all the religions are on the wrong track, they are wrongs.

Joseph Smith's visionJoseph Smith's visionThree years later, a prophet called Moroni asked him to find a book which was hidden in the wook in order to translate him. This is in 1830 that Joseph Smith published the book which gonna become the famous Mormon's book. The first Mormon's temple was inaugurated in 1936 in Kirtland, Ohio.

The temple in Kirtland, Ohio

 In his private life, Joseph Smith got married many times over, in all 22 times and died the 27th of June of 1844 at the age of 39 during a shootout. After his death, a second temple was built in Nauvoo, Illinois. Brigham Young, the successor of Joseph Smith, took his members in Salt Lake City in 1847, nowadays, this town is the headquarters of the Church and for example this is here that the polygamy was authorized th 29th of August of 1852. In 1890, th president of the Church of the time : Wilford Woodruff, abolished it. Nowadays, the Utah is the region the most populated by the Mormons.

Brigham Young

Wilford Woodruff

They consider thir book « The book of Mormon » like the Bible, according to this book, the jews came the first in America in 597 Before Christ in order to wait the second coming of the Christ.

The book of Mormon

 The term « Mormon » comes from the name of a prophet, a militar leader but, the authentic name is « The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ».

The Mormonism is a drift of the Christianity even if they don't consider the cross like their symbol, they prefer imagine the Christ alive, therefore their symbol the most used is the prophet Moroni blowing in a trumpet.

The Mormon's symbol

The Chruch is managed by Jesus thanks to a prophet, the actual is called Thomas S. Monson and by twelve apostles.

Furthermore, they have a salut plan which explain how God gave the eternal and immortal life to the humans, to find again this perfection they have to being in communication with God: in praying, taking the Jesus' life in ideal, model (Jesus is the focus of the theology), having a good family's life (the Mormons accord importance to the family, this is very important for them). They also believe in the resurrection, a life after the death.

There are four levels in the mormon's hierarchy: the general level with the president, two advisers and twelve apostles; then the regional level: the administration; the local level: where there are a lot of mormons in a region (the same functioning that the general level) and then the family level: the father is a sort of “president” of the family.

The Mormon's hierarchy

In the Mormonism, there are a lot of rigorous rules that all the members have to respect, first of all, for the nutrition they can't drink coffee, tea, coke, they can't eat a lot of meat. Of course, the tobacco, the alcohol, the drugs are forbidden, this is why the wine (which represents the Christ's blood) is replaced by water. Secondly, concerning the clothes, in the Church the men wear suits and ties, the women wear long clothes. You have to know that the Mormons always wear sacred clothes in order to not provoke temptation. Thirdly, the religion life is also strict, the initiation begins at the age of 18 months, the members have to give 10% of their salary to the Church, this principle is originate from the Middle Ages with the “tithe” (a tax which was reserved for the Church), a principle which is always used in the mormonism. To finish, the youngs Mormons always have a guide of the Church with them, a guide which dictates the good behavior of a good Mormon. Of course, the sexual relations are forbidden apart from the marriage, indeed the woman has to be pure, virgin for her future husband.

No cokeNo coffeeNo tea


To finish, you have to know that the mormons are presents practically in all the world with 13 508 509 members 'in 2008) principally in USA with 5 503 192 members, Mexico 980 053 members, Brazil with 866 988 members, Chile with 530 739... so, like you could the they are mainly present in America and the languages the most used bu them are the english, the spanish and the portuguese.

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